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AVP California workshops are organized and supported by dedicated volunteers throughout the state who collectively give tens of thousands of hours of time each year to help change lives, families, and communities for the better. There are many ways to volunteer and/or support AVP!

Become a Facilitator

Facilitator Graduation

Facilitators are the core of AVP, planning and conducting workshops. Anyone can become an AVP Facilitator by taking the three AVP workshops - Basic, Advanced, and Training for Facilitators (T4F). Depending on the location, it may be possible for outsiders to participate in inside (prison) workshops. Please get in touch with the council near you to get involved.

Other Ways to Support AVP:

Workshop participants and facilitators
  • Provide Administrative Support
  • Provide Hospitality - often Facilitators travel far and need a place to stay while facilitating workshops.
  • Provide Transportation
  • Provide Food & Workshop Logistics: especially in the community, it can be difficult and/or expensive to find a good space in which to offer workshops, supplies (paper, pens, etc), food and drinks, helping to find participants, and other tasks. Let us know if you would like to help out!

AVP Policy Regarding Sexual Harassment