
This page hosts the resources available on the previous website's "Facilitators Only" page. Over time, these resources will be updated, re-organized, and expanded. Let us know if you have suggestions and/or would like to help!

As a facilitator, you can register with AVP USA and AVP International! Why?

  • Sign up for the AVP USA newsletter "The Transformer"
  • It's easy!
  • Connect with facilitators and councils around the USA and the world.
  • Lots of resources for you and others in your council.
  • Learn about national and international AVP conferences.

AVP Manuals and Other Resources

Organizing a Local Council and Workshops

Handout Materials to Promote AVP

Prison Support Groups

There are two ways to develop support groups for inmates who have taken AVP workshops:

  • When an active workshop program is present in the prison, an Inmate Leisure Time Activity Group (ILTAG) is formed by facilitators. Please see: AVPCA ILTAG Policy
  • When there is no AVP program in a prison, a pilot program can introduced where an outside coordinator works with a group of facilitators who have been trained in other prisons. These inmates form an ILTAG and the outside coordinator consults with them on AVP group processes. Please see: ILTAG Pilot Program

Inmate Leisure Time Activity Groups (ILTAG): ILTAG Sample By-Laws
Articles on how support groups are working: Creating Community - Miami-style and AVP Practice Groups.
For more ideas, see the AVP USA Organizing Kit: a guide for those initiating or strengthening AVP in communities and prison.

Materials for all Facilitators - New and Seasoned

In order to maintain a consistent, professional standards statewide, at the 2005 Annual Gathering, AVP CA approved the following guidelines and standards for use by local councils and facilitators throughout the state. Gathered from local councils, national gathering and national materials (including manuals), it is recommended that someone from the steering committee or its representative meet with local councils annually around these issues.

The following documents are to be read carefully by every new facilitator:

  1. AVP CA Facilitator Qualification Guidelines
  2. Expectations of an AVP Facilitator
  3. Policy on Facilitator Participant Relations
  4. Queries on What it Means to be a Member of an AVP Team
  5. Queries on Sexuality and AVP
  6. Article 20 Ways Toward Understanding the Prison Experience
  7. Article Physical Attraction and Power in Prison
  8. Facilitator-Workshop Guidance & Evaluation
  9. Queries on Relationships and AVP
  10. AVP CA Bylaws & AVP USA Policy
  11. Expenses (driving, accommodation, materials, etc); Reimbursement Policy and Reimbursement Form (PDF) and Reimbursement Form (Excel sheet)
  12. Mandated Reporting and AVP
  13. Financial Support for Local Councils: Fillable PDF version; MS Word Doc version

Materials for Team Coordinators (TC)

In order to orient new Leads and to help experienced Leads be on the same page as other California facilitators, the following materials have been developed:

Keeping Records

The database is a resource for AVP facilitators to keep records of workshop participants and contact other facilitators and potential workshop participants. If you have recently taken an AVP T4F workshop, please enter your own information in the database.

Team Coordinators: please enter your workshop report in QEWR4. If you do not have access, lost your access info, or don't know how or what information to enter, please contact Toby Laverty ( if you need assistance. It is tremendously important for us to keep track of ourselves, and tell the world about the good work of AVP!

Materials for Certificates and Graduation

You can use the following templates to print certificates of completion for participants in your workshop.

Introducing a Workshop to a Prison

First Time to Visit a Prison

Old materials to give you new ideas for workshops and outreach

More content to be added (this can be done even after the new site goes up, as the current Facilitators Only page will remain online, having access to the database).